The Balanced Theatre Brat Series: What is a Theatre Brat?
“Growing up in the theatre made me who I am. I learned discipline, dedication, and the value of hard work. It ignited a passion within me that has never faded.”
– Hugh Jackman
What is a theatre brat, you ask? A theatre brat is a person that was raised in the theatre. Those souls who, from a tender age, have the scent of the greasepaint in their nostrils and the hush of the velvet curtains in their ears. They’re fluent in the language of drama, comedy, and all that lies between before they’ve ever stepped foot in a typical workplace.
A theatre brat isn’t merely a young enthusiast; they’re a participant in the grand act of theatre. From auditioning for roles to learning the ropes of stagecraft, they drink deeply from the well of theatrical experience. The theatre becomes their home, their sanctuary, where they feel the most alive.
But what does this mean in the grand scheme of life and why should I care, you ask? It means a great deal, let me assure you! This early immersion in the world of theatre equips our theatre brats with a toolbox of skills that become increasingly invaluable as they step into the wider world. Communication, empathy, team work, creativity – name any crucial professional competency, and you’ll find it tucked into their repertoire.
And let’s not overlook the art of understanding and connecting with diverse personalities – a skill honed by playing various characters and interacting with a wide range of theatre folks. This ability to navigate different mindsets is a gem in any professional setting and one that is not easily teachable. The Theatre Brat is lucky enough to have an arsenal of transferrable soft skills that help them become successful most careers.
In the Theatre Brat blog series, I will discuss the myriad of ways by which growing up in the theatre has not only help me, The Little Actress That Could, but also countless others become successful in business.
In the end, being a theatre brat isn’t a phase that one outgrows. Instead, it’s a formative experience that permeates our identity, guiding our approach to both life and work. So, here’s to the theatre brats! For we carry the spirit of the stage wherever we go, turning the world into our performance space.