
Organized Mess: A Look Inside My Eclectic Mind

“She had a wild, wandering soul, but when she loved, she loved with chaos and that made all the difference.” ― Ariana Dancu

Dear reader, 

This post serves as both an apology and warning about my blog. I’m sure you’ve visited my blog and thought:

“What is this blog about?” 🤷🏼‍♀️

“Why are there so many different topics?” 

Well it’s because I, The Little Actress That Could, am an eclectic mess! 🤪

My brain 🧠is organized chaos between the things I want to try, the things I am trying, and the vast graveyard of things I have tried.

At my core I was raised in theatre and it shaped who I am, so you’ll always see theatre referenced on this site. 🎭

I’ve also been entrenched in banking for many years and I’m excited to be part of the banking revolution! 🏦 Then, I have my passions.

These passions consist of:

  • Poker 
  • Animals 
  • My family and friends 
  • Helping others get their dream jobs
  • Creating fun content for children. (YouTube, kids books, language learning, Etc.) 
  • All things travel (culture, foods, sightseeing, and people) 
  • Learning how to adult 

I hope you subscribe and enjoy my organized mess of a mind as much as I enjoying living it everyday! 

However, If you don’t………

well, you were warned. Proceed with caution! ⚠🧐🐶💜💁🏼‍♀️

“It’s a cruel and random world, but the chaos is all so beautiful.”― Hiromu Arakawa

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