Drop Your Pants and Throw Your Shoe At The Table
What NOT To Do In Poker Learned From Real Life Observations
1. My Latin Lover is All I Need. Don’t serenade a married woman. She’s there to play poker not to hear your rendition of “That Summer” by Garth Brooks. 🤠
2. There’s no need to overcompensate for your small size. Don’t grab a stack of chips that isn’t yours and mix it with your own.
3. Would you like some cheese to go with that whine? 🥺 Everyone loses. It happens. That’s poker. Yes, It sucks, but no one wants to hear you whine.
4. Shaken not folded. Earthquakes don’t negate the rules. If you walk or run away from the table your hand is dead. Apparently even in an earthquake and we all know this now.
5. Can I get a refund? No. Once you bet or call a bet you can’t take your money back if there’s action behind you. You can call, fold, or re-raise but the money in the pot is already gone. Waive it goodbye and move on to the next hand.
6. Casino staff are friends not food! 🦈 Don’t chew them up and spit them out. They are there to keep the game running smoothly and make sure everyone has a good time. They are up early and working late. If the dealer messes up, it happens. If the server doesn’t give you enough vodka, kindly ask for more. No need to be rude. Be kind to them! Karma is a bitch if you aren’t.
7. Did I sit down with the Hulk? 🤬 Nobody likes you when you’re angry. End of story.
8. Winner winner! Great job you took down a hand. Hopefully one of many in the tourney, but don’t be a sore winner. It’s ok to be happy but don’t brag about winning. The person that just lost is probably feeling it.
9. Squirrel moments. 🐿 We all have them. Try to be understanding of others’ squirrel moments or brain breaks. Hopefully they will be understanding when it happens to you.
10. Is that a full moon? 🌕 Unfortunately, YES! By all means don’t (I repeat DON’T) pull your pants down and throw your shoe at the table!
*Thank you to Jason P for the title of this article*
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