Winner, Winner, Creeper Dinner
“May the flop be with you” Doyle Brunson
I’m back from the WSOP. I didn’t play in the main event but I had a chance to play in the mini main event and several satellites to the main event. I had a lot of fun, met a lot of great/interesting people, and played a lot of poker. I hadn’t been to the WSOP for 5 years because I took a break from poker. This trip reignited my love for the game and the players.
There were a few interesting moments, such as a couple earthquakes.
“Vegas was so happy to see me again that it shook with excitement.” 😜
I love live poker for all the characters that you get to meet and observe. As an actress it’s always fun to sit back and watch other people. This helps you build strong characters for future performances, but theatre also helps me be a better poker player. It’s easier for me to portray the person I want the others players to see.
For example; only plays top pairs, is aggressive, is tight, is advanced, or is a beginner.
Theatre has finely tuned my skills for reading other players and picking up on small cues. Finally theatre has taught me self awareness. (It also doesn’t hurt to be quick witted and have the ability to think on your feet at the table either. It doesn’t help your play but it makes the game more fun.)
Side note: theatre has NOT taught me the math of poker. For that you must read a poker book or take lessons. 📚
I learned a lot during this trip. I’m excited to get back into the game and sharpen my skills for next year.
Theatre skill 101: practice makes perfect
This is my goal for 2019/2020- Practice, practice, practice and put on a good show next year! 💁🏼♀️
Funny Vegas moments I thought you might enjoy:
• A man was disqualified from the main event for mooning the people at his table and then throwing his shoe 👟at the table setting the standard for all future disqualifications. I ask you this, If you aren’t throwing your shoe at the table are you even playing poker?
(I mean, “go big or go home” or in this case, “go big AND go home”)
• A man proclaimed (loudly) upon me sitting down at the table that he would teach us how to improve in 3 areas: poker, sex, and romance. Later he said his advice for the game of poker is “stick it in and pray” to which my response was “that’s actually his advice for all 3 areas.”
(It’s always fun when you can clap back at a loud mouth)
• I had an actual “creeper” at my table. (Picture below)

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