Just Puke in Your Purse, Hat, Etc. – The Balanced Theatre Brat Series
A Lesson in Commitment
When I was little, I was in a show that I don’t remember the name of but I vividly remember being sick with a stomach bug. I was playing some sort of animal 🐰and had a show that night. I didn’t have an understudy, but I had made a commitment and I was going to keep it! (I’m very stubborn)
As we learned in my last post “The Show Must Go On.”
So, I didn’t have time to be sick. I asked for a purse to take on stage with me just in case I got sick. 😷I’d step off stage for a moment, be sick, and come back out.
Hopefully, convincingly in character. 💁🏼
Fast forward many years.
I’m sitting in a plane ✈️on my way to Arkansas with some awful sickness. I have several meetings I’m “hosting” this week for work and while rescheduling is always an option, it’s a difficult and inconsiderate one.
(Reminder: I’m very stubborn) 😬
I have several people counting on me and they are traveling as well.
My “audience” has purchased their tickets and are expecting a show.
One of the life skills I learned in theatre is “commitment”. As you’ve read, commitment isn’t always easy or convenient. Often times in community theatre or semi-professional theatre, you don’t have an understudy.
That’s true in real life too.
Sometimes meetings must take place in person, you must suck it up, and honor your commitment. This is what differentiates you from the herd, in both business and theatre.
I’m not recommending being as stubborn as I am, if you’re too sick to work, don’t work, but I do recommend doing everything possible to keep your commitments in business.
This is ingrained into your brain and soul when you grow up in theatre and it’s served me well throughout my career.
Note: My handsome and protective husband may disagree (he’s also stubborn when it comes to my health), but the show goes on anyway.
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So very true. I tried to make the show go on recently, but ended up in the hospital instead. Sometimes life happens, but being a committed theater person makes you try even harder.
I’m actually writing a post about that as well. 🙂