
The Balanced Theatre Brat Series: The Show Must Go On

A Lesson in “Fake It Till You Make It” 

Perfection is the enemy of progress” – unknown 

As the writers and actors of the broadway show “The Play That Goes Wrong” have so cleverly portrayed. A lot can go wrong in theatre. The best thespians very quickly learn how to continue on with the show even in the wake of disaster. 

As the saying goes “The Show Must Go On!” 

So staple that dress together and get your ass on stage. 😘

The audience is waiting. 

No one understands the saying “Fake It Till You Make It” better than people in the theatre. When you are performing live, perfection doesn’t exist. Mistakes happen, sets fall, actors slip, sound cuts out, etc. You must carry on as if nothing happened. You must give the audience the “illusion of perfection” while progressing forward through mishaps. The audience doesn’t know the show by heart. (and if they do, it’s probably because it’s someone that’s routing for you to win) 

Did you fall? Well, you were meant to fall. Get up in character. 

Did the door not open? Climb through the window. 

Did your wig fall off? Pick it up with purpose! 

These same principles apply to your career. When you step out of your car and into your place of work. (In my case, an office). You are playing a part!

I become:

“Rebecca, the Product Manager.” 🤓

No matter what mishaps have happened outside of work, I must brush them off and become my character. Some days that requires a “fake till you make it” mentality and some days it comes easy. But every day I must progress! 

The theory of “perfection being the enemy of progress” is also very relevant to my career. No product design, product development, or product launch has ever been perfect. 

Something ALWAYS goes wrong at the 11th hour! 😱

As a product manager I have to roll with the punches and still get our product rolled out on time. Remember the audience doesn’t know the show by heart and they don’t know my product by heart either. I must present the “illusion of perfection 🎩” while progressing forward with the product or products I am managing.

Luckily theatre has given me this skill and it’s one of the many theatre skills I use daily. 💜

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