About Me
Hello world! (not the simple program one usually writes when learning a new programming language but to all those reading this blog)
I am excited to be writing my first blog, EVER!
Welcome to….
“The Little Actress That Could”.
Could what?!!!!! I bet you are asking.
Well, could do anything she set her little eclectic mind to. She is I. Who am I? An actress, poker player, product manager, animal lover, mom, career counselor, Agile coach, makeup aficionado, YouTube creator, travel guru, wife, Alpaca petter, goat snuggler, and more!
WHY is the blog called “The Little Actress That Could?”
I have been an actress since birth. I’m pretty sure I was holding up my umbilical cord dramatically quoting “Alas poor Yorick, I knew him well” in the womb while my mom was vomiting her guts out… Everyone’s a critic!
I come from a theatre family. It’s in my blood. I’m glad it is because the arts have taught me many valuable skills that have helped me be successful in MANY different avenues of life. Through acting I have learned; problem solving, how to accept feedback, speaking and communication skills, commitment, promptness, the ability to learn quickly, managing stress and how to react under pressure, team work, leadership skills, how to have fun while working hard, memory skills, and so many more that are relevant in everyday life.
My mission is to encourage girls and women to develop the skills and confidence to explore all the opportunities life has to offer. I am an actress that has made a successful career in technology. I’m not analytical, I am NOT technical, but I have all those “silly” theatre skills that make me invaluable in a product manager role. I’ve helped numerous others develop those skills and become more successful in their chosen careers as well. Maybe this blog will inspire you or maybe it will bore you, but hopefully you will learn something new!
You can look forward to guest bloggers and interviews with wonderfully talented people that have a passion for the arts and STEM.
Looking forward to more!
I want to write a musical and I have the basics down but would need help ironing out the dialogue and stage directions. I no longer have theater contacts.
Did I hear something about your coming back to FL?
Yes, I’m back in the Orlando area!
We will have a lot to talk about then next time I’m up there. I’ll keep you posted.
Sounds good. Let me know! Depending on what your musical is about Orlando Fringe might be a great place to debut it.
The musical would feature many songs I’ve already written so you get the idea. I’ll look into that theater group though.
You never cease to amaze me sister. I am so~ proud of you. 🌈💞
Thank you my dear! 😘❤️